Recreating Memories
17 years had gone by, but Becky remained an alcoholic.
4 Comments02.22.
How To Get Your Kids To Clean Their Rooms
7 CommentsMy dearest Emily,
I came by tonight to retrieve your tooth and leave your payment – however, because of the condition of your bedroom, I had a horrible time even getting to your bed safely. Once there, I was unable to locate the tooth pillow due to the amount of pillows, blankets, and bodies in your bed.
I will have to come by on a different night – perhaps you can take the time between now and then to properly clean and organize your room. I bet if you ask your mother NICELY, she will even help you to do it.
Much love,
The Tooth Fairy
Your Complaints About Your Kids Seem Trivial Now
There is always the possibility that he’s saying this to her..