Bad Babysitting




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They’re Not His Kids..

Okay, so they probably are; but it’s funnier to think of his reaction when he wakes up if they’re not.

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Proud Parents: IN THE NEWS

What’s worse than getting arrested for stealing a vehicle? Doing so while you left your 1 and 2 year old at home alone. That’s the story of Ashley N. May, who decided helping her friend Robert steal a Jeep was more important than looking after her own children. Click here for the full news story..

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The Proud Parents

The Proud Parents is a humor and entertainment blog in the Three Ring Blogs Network. The Proud Parents posts funny photos and funny videos daily that consist of bad parents, poor parents, crazy parents, bad kids, crazy kids, funny kids, awesome kids and more family moments of WTF. Other members of the Three Ring Blogs Network are People of Walmart, Girls In Yoga Pants, The Proud Parents, Daily Viral Stuff, Wedding Unveils, Neighbor Shame, Full of Your Selfies, Damn That Looks Good, Jaw Drops, Freaks of Fast Food, Memory Glands and more.