Daughter Tracks Down Man Who Robbed Her Mom
Just hours after her mother was robbed by a man who spent the Summer doing her yard work, Shallon Tagg was face to face with the suspect outside of a Target where she was handing out flyers describing the necklace he stole. With the help of a bystander and the police, the man who robbed her mother is now behind bars.
Click here for the full news story..
Martha Payne: The 9 Year Old Foodie
Introducing Martha, the 9 year old that decided to start taking daily pictures of her school-provided lunch, rating their taste, nutrition and hair count. Started as her own personal blog, it has since gotten the attention of the world and celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver. Some less than appetizing meals have been showing up, including the one pictured above which Martha wrote: The pizza […] was alright but I’d have enjoyed more than 1 croquet. I’m a growing kid and I need to concentrate all afternoon and I cant do it on 1 croquette. Do any of you think you could?
Now not all the pictures are of disappointing meals.. below is Martha’s favourite, Chicken Curry. She writes: Today’s lunch was special because it’s my favourite. There was no soup on today but it didn’t matter because I wouldn’t have chosen it over ice-cream and shortbread. I googled the Hindi for fantastic so I can say my chicken curry was शानदार (śānadāra)!
Gaining International attention, Martha now receive’s lunch photos from children all around the world.
To check out (or submit your child’s lunch to) Martha’s blog, click here.
12 Comments05.28.
Happy Memorial Day
Brock Godwin and Dustin Godwin salute Ian Edge, a U.S. Army soldier from Brinson who was injured while serving in Afghanistan last June.