Proud Parents: IN THE NEWS
Pictured above is a 10 year old girl from Central Pakistan, scarred from acid that had been thrown in her face. This type of assault is common in Pakistan, with thousands suffering the same fate each year. Including Anvu Sha, a 15 year old recently murdered by her parents in this “honour style” killing. Her crime? Talking to a boy. Her parents told hospital workers their daughter tried to commit suicide, but when they wouldn’t let the rest of the family see the face of the deceased girl at the funeral, the eldest sister grew suspicious. Continue reading to check out the entire, shocking, news story.. › Continue reading
Proud Parents: In The News
For three years the parents of Isaak Lasson, pictured aboved, were baffled by his constant sinus congestion and sometimes troubled breathing. Doctors blamed allergies and sinus infections as the cause of the congestion, but it wasn’t until Isaak shoved some spaghetti up there and it began to stink that a specialist was called in and a tiny rubber wheel was pulled out. Continue reading for the full news story.. › Continue reading
7 Comments01.06.
North Carolina Parents Turn Their Kids In To Police After Seeing Them On The News
Parents turn in their 14 and 16 year old sons after seeing them on the news (watch the footage)
The parents of two teens in Fayetteville, North Carolina have turned their children in after seeing them on the news breaking in to a local cell phone repair shop.
The security footage, which aired on New Year’s Eve during the evening news showed five teens breaking in to the store at around 3:30am on December 29th – the parents of the two had been out celebrating, but had recorded the news to watch later. The following day, they turned their children in after confronting them. The children were supposed to be at an older sibling’s house that evening, but the boys decided to go out with some friends and ultimately gave in to peer pressure.
3 of the 5 have been arrested, while two are still at large.
Source: ABC7